3 Reasons to Consider Summer Tennis At Euro School of Tennis
Posted in: Blog | Published on: April 1, 2024 | Written By: admin
Summer is approaching, and while your child may not be counting down the remaining days of school just yet, you’re likely already thinking about what to do with all the time your child will suddenly have on their hands. After all, hearing “I’m Bored” a hundred times a day is no way to enjoy the warmth of summer. Not sure what to do? Consider enrolling your child in our summer tennis programs. Need a little convincing? Check out these three benefits you and your child will appreciate.
#1: It Will Keep Your Child Active and Healthy
Many kids spend hours indoors glued to a screen, and choosing an activity that helps them get enough movement is absolutely crucial to ensuring they remain healthy. Our lessons and camps provide an excellent workout, engaging various muscle groups and promoting better heart health for your child. During every session, they’ll be running to reach the ball, swinging the racquet, and working on their coordination skills, all of which help improve their overall fitness level. Our camps and lessons are the best way to keep your child moving this summer!
#2: It Means a Chance to Meet and Play With Other Kids
Often, summer break means kids lose touch with their school friends, and that can be a bit lonely at times. Our summer lessons and camps, though, give your child an opportunity to interact with other kids who have similar interests. They’ll work together to perform well on the court and engage in a bit of friendly competition during every session. That means a chance to build those key social skills like respect, empathy, and resilience. It may even lead to a few lasting friendships!
#3: It’s a Chance to Increase Brain Power, Too!
Worried your child will check out over the summer? Not with tennis. It requires focus, concentration, and fast decision making skills, and that means they’ll be developing all kinds of cognitive skills over the summer. They’ll master new things, too, and work to overcome challenges, which can not only help them learn more, but also bolster their self-esteem and help them build a positive mindset.
Enroll Now!
Summer is approaching fast, and our lessons and camps are a good way to invest in your child’s physical, social, and mental development this year. Ready to enroll? Choose your location now.