Join Our Tournament Development Program in Menlo Park

Development. Dedication. Distinction.
If you’re searching for the ideal way to help your child move forward and develop better tennis skills in a very different kind of program, Tournament Development is the right way forward. Designed for students looking for comprehensive tennis training dedicated to skills, knowledge, and producing better players, this is not a simple class or clinic. Instead, every Tournament Development student at Menlo Park is selected based on their skills, their attitude, and their ability to move ahead quickly.
Is Team Tennis In Your Child’s Future?
If you think you want your child to be able to perform at the middle or high school team tennis level, our Tournament Development program is the right opportunity. All of our students in the Tournament Development Program at Menlo Park develop the competence necessary to participate at the USTA level and move forward to school team tennis. A year-long commitment, this tennis program will help make your child resilient enough to tackle an entire tournament, ensuring they have the mental and physical agility to withstand the extensive court play required.
Each session means building consistency, balance, speed, and stamina. Our tennis instructors all have USTA competition experience, so they’ll help your child improve on the technical skills and the strategies necessary to compete at a higher level. We’ll also help your child understand how to choose the right shot and how to form a pattern that equals power and accuracy on the court and success at every turn.
Classes meet three times each week, and you choose how frequently your child attends. To sign up, you’ll need to enroll in a 15-20 minute evaluation session so we can ensure your child has the level of seriousness required for this course.
If you’re ready to push your child beyond the limit and create a real tennis challenge, our Tournament Development program at Menlo Park is the right way to go. Whether you just want to cheer for them at an upcoming middle school match or you’re looking for something even past that, Euro School of Tennis can help. Take your child’s training to the next level when you schedule an evaluation session.
To enroll in our classes: click “Sign up” (this will lead you to Menlo Park Recreation). Go to SEARCH then type in the course number and simply enroll in the class.
For enrollment issues or inquiries call Menlo Park Rec Dept: (650)330-6600
All other questions, comments or concerns can be directed to us: info@euroschooloftennis.com OR (510)491-3007

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