Beating The Pusher- Offensive Tips And Tricks

Posted in: Blog | Published on: June 5, 2021 | Written By: admin

In tennis, you’re likely to come up against a pusher in a match. These can be tough opponents to face off against, and if you don’t want to lose the match, you’ll need an ace up your sleeve. For your next set against a pusher, here’s some great ideas about how to win the match.

What is a ‘Pusher’?

In tennis, a ‘pusher’ is a player that mostly plays on the defensive side. Therefore, the player will focus on the ball, and getting it back over the net- not really trying to make an offensive move themselves, and waiting to score points when they can trip their opponent up. It can be easy to lose a match to a pusher- but if you don’t want to get stuck on the downward spiral, keep reading.

Fighting Back

A game against a pusher can be long, and it can be hard, and it can wear you down. Whatever you do, though, there are some things you don’t want to do against a pusher. Don’t try and hit the ball harder to make up for loss of momentum, and don’t attempt to make any easy moves. The pusher will absolutely see through those. Furthermore, don’t psyche yourself out beforehand- it’s just a tennis match, one that you’ve played a thousand times.

Mental Preparation

Before you go up against a pusher, it’s actually a great idea to do some calming exercises. The more nervous you are about a match, the more likely you are to slip up- and you don’t want that. Instead, accept that you’re playing against a challenging opponent, and come in with all your patience at the ready. Not getting scared is the most crucial thing about a match against a pusher.