Help Your Child Improve Their Serve with these Tips

Posted in: Blog | Published on: October 24, 2022 | Written By: admin

When you first enroll your child in a tennis course, the chances are that they’ve never held a racquet before. They probably want to do well, though, and there are plenty of ways that you and your child can practice tennis at home before class. Here are some great tips to help your child work on their serve.

  • Throw Overhand

Playing games like catch is actually a great way to instill some beginner tennis lessons into your child! Throwing overhand is just like serving in a match, so your child is already getting better even if they’re not on the court.

  • Make It Into A Game

Children love games, and they love it even more when their parents or guardians play with them. If you want your child to enjoy tennis, try making their practice enjoyable too.

  • Use A Racquet

One of the best ways to get your child to practice is to help them understand the tools of the trade. Make sure they have a racquet in their hands as they practice, and keep encouraging them to throw and catch.

  • Throw To Targets

Practicing their throw is great, but it won’t help your child’s accuracy while serving. Setting up some simple targets would be a great way to help them understand where they need to aim, and how to make their serves get where they need to go.

  • Be Supportive

Always tell your child that they’re doing a good job! Children are easily discouraged when trying new things, and if you’re too negative while they practice, you can cause them to lose something they really enjoy. Always be supportive of your child’s practice, and help them strive towards their best self.

Helping Your Child Improve Their Serve

Practicing tennis with your child doesn’t have to be hard! These five tips will help you forge a strong bond with your child as you both participate in something together.