Group Tennis Classes for Adults Intermediate in Fremont

“I’ve taken Euro School of Tennis intermediate and advanced tennis classes and it’s taken my game to a whole new level! I was able to move from a 3.0 to 3.5 very quickly, and with more training 4.0 is not far :). What I like the most is Alex’s patience and personal attention. He often carries a ultra-zoom DSLR camera to capture pics of the students in action and show them where the mistakes are happening, something I’ve not seen any coach do. Overall, I strongly recommend Euro School of Tennis for anyone looking to improve their game or just get started with tennis. It’s also a great way to meet other tennis players for practice. Two-thumbs up!”
Adult Tennis Clinics, Intermediate/Advanced (Age 15 & Up)
Interested in taking your game up a notch? Our intermediate and advanced courses are perfect for you. Designed for students ages 15 and up, we offer a ratio of 1 instructor to every 8 students. These courses are for students who can hit the ball with a level of consistency across the net and back. You need to be up on your game with prior tennis instruction as a base foundation to your tennis knowledge.
USTA Rated 3.5 – 4.0
Interested in some tennis instruction, but you’re not sure where to start? The United States Tennis Association offers ratings guidelines for courses just like ours to help you decide which course is right for you. Our 3.5 – 4.0 rating means you’ll be taking a course designed for players who have a solid level of stroke dependability as well as some directional control on the ball. You should also have good court coverage as well as the ability to deal with doubles matches.
The Specifics
Wondering what we’ll cover? You’ll learn a lot about cross-court placement and services as well as lobs, overheads, and strategy. We’ll focus on advanced technique, stroke production, developing a reliable serve, shot anticipation, movement and positioning, and the mindset necessary to win. We’ll even cover match-specific situations, the net game, and court coverage during any match.
The Rates
One clinic per week is $261/month (four 90 minutes meetings a month). The Euro Member rate is $229/month.

Month | Date | Day | Time |
Become a Member with Euro School for Tennis Now!
Love Euro School for Tennis? Looking forward to the next clinic, lesson, or class? Join us!
Becoming a member with Euro Tennis means lots of fantastic benefits for you and your family. From discounts on classes and clinics to better access to every program we offer, it’s the one way to take full advantage of our programs.
What Do Members Get?
We know you! We love having you in class with us, and we want to offer you more! Membership with us is a chance to do so much more.
- You can expect lower prices on every single option you select!
- You get the earliest available spots, even right after you sign up!
- You’ll be the first to know about our latest additions!
With Euro School for Tennis, membership has its privileges, and you can take advantage of them when you sign up today.
Sign Up for Membership Now!
Ready to get more from Euro School of Tennis? We can’t wait to have you join us. Learn more when you reach out and contact us today. We can’t wait for you to be part of the Euro Family!
Note: New members who sign up online will get the soonest available spots, but because our membership numbers have increased, we cannot promise you a spot on the same day you sign up for membership. Please email us which day and time you’re looking for as you begin the membership sign up form, and we’ll let you know what’s available!
Becoming a Euro Member
- Only $229/month*
- Includes the following perks:
- One clinic per week (4 meetings a month)
- 5% Off our private lessons & Spring/Summer Junior camps
- Ability to freeze a membership for up to 3 months
- Automatic monthly payment billed via your Credit Card/ATM
- *Requires 12 months commitment

We conduct classes in a room if it rains, multi-purpose room or the covered benches/tables area (depending on availability). However there is a chance we cannot get protection for the children. In the case of bad weather, We send you email on that day and also call.
We regret to inform that we do not offer any make-ups or refunds for these days. If you have any special circumstances please contact us at least 24 hours before the scheduled class via email: info@euroschooloftennis.com.
Wear tennis shoes (no black soles) & sports outfit (NO jeans). Bring a tennis racket & bottle of water to class.