After School Tennis Program; Euro School Of Tennis Serving Bay Area’s Youth
Posted in: Press Releases | Published on: December 29, 2014 | Written By: admin
Fremont, California, December 2014
Fremont, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Santa Clara are cities that offer Euro School of Tennis’ after school programs at their local elementary schools. Euro Tennis’ after school tennis program targets tennis beginners, Kindergarten to third grade. These programs are designed to challenge your kids on and off the court.
The after school tennis programs consist of modified equipment (18ft portable net) to ensure that our students learn at their own individual level. We provide all equipment such as, smaller racquets and low compression red balls. These specific materials help your child learn the tennis fundamentals.
Our after school tennis programs allow students to learn the sport and grow a passion for it. “Kids don’t enjoy playing sports because they care about winning,” said Alex Rupchin, Director of Tennis. “Kids love to pick up new sports because of the fun factor.”
Here at Euro Tennis, improvement is always welcome and we want you to nail the fundamentals of this sport. Our goal is to teach your children the tennis skills they need to grow as an athlete, while ensuring a safe and friendly atmosphere. The learning doesn’t need to stop once you leave the classroom.
Euro School of Tennis is serving the following counties with an after school tennis program: San Mateo, Alameda, and Santa Clara. In Menlo Park the elementary school locations are Laurel and Encinal Elementary. Palo Alto elementary school locations are Duveneck, El Carmelo, Escondido, Juana Briones, Addison, Ohlone, and Hoover elementary. Fremont elementary school locations are Weibel and Chadbourne elementary. Lastly, Santa Clara elementary locations are Washington Open and Milikin elementary. Sign up now and become a part of the Euro Tennis Team!