Boosting Your Tennis Success

Posted in: Blog | Published on: April 6, 2019 | Written By: admin

Ever spend time wondering what you could do to be a better player on the court? If you’re like most people, you watch the pros during big tournaments and begin to wonder about your forehand, your backhand, or even your footwork. You may even spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to best your opponent in the next match. Boosting your success on the court takes a lot of hard work, but it isn’t as complex as you might imagine. Instead, with a few different strategies in place, you really can increase your performance level every time you grab your racquet and improve your win ratio as well.

Strategy #1 – Stick With Your Style

Many players try to get creative on the court in the middle of a match, hoping that creativity will translate to a win. The reality, though, is that if you stick with the shots that you know will work, you’re more likely to win the match. Amateur players tend to vary their style extensively. Good players, though, stick to what works, and just understanding what you do best can spell a much better session on the court for you in the future.

Strategy #2 – Slow Down

Do you panic the moment the other player is up by a couple of points? Panic equals faster play, and rushing back just because the other player scored a point or two might actually be killing your game. A better strategy is to take every second you can to breathe, put your head together, and keep going. Stay mentally organized, and push forward. Don’t let the panic creep into your game – it can cause additional mistakes.

Strategy #3 – Take Some Footage Of Your Next Match

Have someone shoot some footage of you on the court during a match. Watch it when you’re calm and cool. You’re more likely to be able to spot your mistakes and be able to act on them in the next match. The pros all do a video analysis of every single match they play, and while you may not want to go that far, a little video may help you pick up on what’s happening during your matches.

It is possible to boost your success level with these three strategies. Use them before your next match up, and you might just be excited by the results you see.