Finding the Right Tennis Racquet When You’re Dealing With Tennis Elbow
Posted in: Blog | Published on: October 17, 2022 | Written By: admin
One of the most common injuries in tennis is also one of the most debilitating: tennis elbow. This simple overuse injury can get you taken off the court for an extended amount of times, and sometimes you don’t want to have to work around an injury just to practice your sport. If you’re suffering from tennis elbow and want to get back in the game as soon as possible, here are some recommendations for the best racquet you could be using.
What Makes A Racquet Good For Tennis Elbows?
Oftentimes, when you’re shopping for a good racquet to play with while you’re recovering from tennis elbow, you’ll see ones labeled ‘arm friendly’. This just means that they’re ready for you to play with, without putting that much stress on your already injured arm joints. Arm-friendly racquets provide an easy play and swing, as well as boasting a larger head and a lighter weight than many other racquets on the market. Many of these are loosely strung, and oftentimes they may be open-strung for your convenience. If your racquet has a small head, a high tension, or a high stiffness, don’t use it! These factors will only worsen your tennis elbow.
Things to Consider When Finding A Racquet
When you’re considering a new tennis racquet to help with your tennis elbow, consider the equipment’s flexibility, its weight, its head size, and its string pattern. A more flexible racquet will serve your cause better, as will a lighter racquet with a bigger head.
Tennis Racquets for Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is one of the most annoying injuries a player can succumb to, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave the game. Instead, find a new racquet to play with, that doesn’t aggravate your elbow but still enables you to play the game.