Five Great Benefits of Tennis

Posted in: Blog | Published on: February 7, 2019 | Written By: admin

Tennis has long been an incredibly popular sport across the world, and today, people of all ages play it. Whether you’re playing singles or doubles, quick weekend matches or in a league, tennis means some pretty amazing benefits you may not have previously considered. Check out these five big benefits you won’t regret.


1. Full Body Workout: Some sports are a great arm workout. Some are fantastic for your thighs. Tennis is all of these and much more. You’re hitting your lower body every time you run, start, stop, jump, or crouch. Your upper body gets a chance to go when you hit the tennis ball. Your core is constantly working every time you move on the court. It’s much better than you’ll do with most sports.

2. Brain Booster: Studies have shown that the more you use your brain, the more you strengthen your thinking power. Tennis can help to improve your alertness and thinking power. Tennis pushes you to constantly plan and implement strategies, and that can spell quicker reaction times in everyday life as well.

3. Balance Improver: A match pushes you to constantly move and change directions. That, in turn, can give you better balance to help protect your body from falls even when you’re off the court.

4. Stress Reliever: Stress tends to create muscle tension in the body. Unfortunately, that becomes a tough cycle to break because as you feel that muscle tension, you feel more stress. Tennis means a chance to work the tension out of your body, improving blood flow to the muscles and the brain, which may help prevent future stress.

5. Mood Enhancer: Tennis, like many other activities, helps to regulate the serotonin in your brain. Serotonin plays a role in your emotional state, and regularly engaging in a match may mean a serious mood boost you just can’t get off the court. More than that, though, a few well placed wins here and there are going to give you something to celebrate!

Ready to uncover these benefits and many more? Book a match today.