Gain the Mental Advantage in Tennis
Posted in: Blog | Published on: May 11, 2019 | Written By: admin
Tennis is not just a game for the physically fit. You will need to have the upper hand in mental toughness, too. It doesn’t matter how physically skillful you can play; if your mind isn’t right, you won’t be at your best.
The Rules of Success
All athletes need to have mental toughness as well as physical ability and stamina to be successful in their desired sport. The demands of rigorous competition on mental abilities can be huge. Some athletes turn to sports psychologists or mental coaches to help. Following are tips that you can practice to help you gain the mental advantage in tennis.
• Choose to have and keep a positive attitude.
• Control your anger.
• Try not to think about the end results of a match; just focus on each play. Be “present” and stay focused on the “now.”
• Stay self-motivated.
• Embrace nervousness and turn it into positive energy.
• Exude confidence, alertness, energy, and happiness.
• Visualize yourself playing well and making the shots you want
• Get a good night’s sleep before your match.
You need to have positive self-belief that you are physically fit and can mentally step up to the challenge of winning in tennis. With self-belief, you will understand that you can bounce back from any mistakes. Setbacks are only temporary, and you can work to change the outcome. Take a deep breath and re-double your efforts; do not give up.
Unwavering Determination
Understand the reason you want to play tennis and be successful at the game. You have to want it for yourself, not for anyone else. You must remain focused on the task at hand. Be determined that you will play a great game, you will win, and you will rise to a level of success in tennis that you desire. If each mistake only creates more desire to do better and win, chances are high you will succeed. The right determination comes from within each person.
Don’t let distractions on the court steer you away from your mental mindset. If you have an insatiable desire to be the best you can be and to succeed, you will do so not only in tennis, but in life. Don’t let challenges define you.