Great Coaches and Great Players

Posted in: Blog | Published on: January 13, 2021 | Written By: admin

Great tennis players don’t come easy. In fact, a great player almost always has a great coach behind him or her. You can become that great coach if you just work for it- in fact, EuroTennis is looking for coaches right now! 

Why Is Coaching Important?

Coaching is important for a myriad of different reasons! A good coach knows the best ways to inspire kids and get them excited to play the next match. Tennis can help show kids perseverance, dexterity, and even ways to stay fit and keep their bodies healthy. The next wave of great tennis players are moulded and shaped by the care that their coach puts into their training. EuroTennis is dedicated to finding the best coaches for their students, and a great coach hits all of the marks.

Tips To Become A Great Coach

But all coaches come from somewhere, too! Here’s some great tips about how to inspire your players and become a good coach, too.

Begin With The Basics

A beginning player can’t keep up with a tennis star- and you need to think about that when coaching! Start with simple games of catch to get your kids started on the right footing, and then you can move your way up to full matches. 

Explain in Depth

As your players begin to understand more and more about the sport, make sure that you’re breaking each move down as you go to make sure that they understand each step that must be taken. It’s hard to make a good swing when you don’t know what you’re doing, and that’s an emotion you don’t want your players to feel during a match.

Focus On The Fun

Kids turn to sports for a lot of reasons. They’ll come to run out some energy, they’ll come to learn, but most of all- they’ll come to have fun. If you keep the air on the court light and carefree, the players will be much more receptive to your teachings.


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