How A Jump Rope Can Improve Your Tennis Game

Posted in: Blog | Published on: November 6, 2021 | Written By: admin

Clustered around the playground as a kid, you heard all the hits- Miss Mary Mack, Cinderella, all the familiar chants that accompanied the gentle whack of a jump rope hitting the pavement. And, surprisingly, jump ropes might not be left in the hazy echoes of childhood anymore- they might be the key to upping your tennis game this season.

Why You Should Look Into Skipping Rope
It might sound surprising, but jump rope has a lot of good applications in tennis. Since the sport is built on quick, nimble foot movements, swift handwork, and a focused mind, tennis and jumping rope actually have a lot in common. Footwork drills can help build the necessary specs to run a good game of tennis, but you don’t always have the space to use them. What you do have the space for, though, is jump rope.

The Perks of Jump Roping
Jumping rope can help you up your tennis game in a multitude of different ways. It improves your balance, a must-have on the court. It helps to condition your calves, feet, hips, forearms- almost your entire body- for a hard day on the court. It helps train your muscle memory into staying vigilant, so that you can be ready during a match. It can even help you build your mental endurance, because if you haven’t practiced jump rope recently, it can be pretty hard to pick back up.

Building Your Tennis Game Through Jump Rope
It might sound surprising, but the childhood game of jump rope might be just what your tennis game needs this season. Through a quick and easy regimen of training both your mind and body, a jump rope will be the cheapest piece of equipment you buy this season- but certainly the most useful.