How To Encourage Your Young Tennis Player To Eat Well

Posted in: Blog | Published on: December 23, 2020 | Written By: admin

It’s hard enough getting your kid to eat healthy- but when they’re also in an intensive sport, that pressure feels doubled. While many kids possess the knowledge of healthy eating, they just refuse to- and that can be stressful for parents and teachers. Players can practice and train all they want, but no amount of muscle work will ever make up for having a good diet.

Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Healthy Eating

Kids are often taught about the basics of healthy eating at school, but it’s your job to hammer it home. Help them learn by example- maybe start trying to eat healthier yourself, so that they’ve got less of an excuse. Keep lots of healthy snacks around the house, and try to provide them with more information about what’s healthy and what’s not. Wikipedia, the internet, and even your local library can provide you with a lot of information about healthy eating, but don’t get pulled into a fad diet- check and make sure that the information you’re reading is true before you try it out with your child.

Take A Look At Your Environment

A player’s environment can have a lot of effect on their performance and habits. If you’re going to McDonald’s every other day for food, that might be communicating to your athlete that it’s right and okay to do that before a match- whereas if you continually cook healthy meals or even just keep good food on hand for your kid, they’ll learn by example and eat healthier, just because it’s a thing that happens in your house. Some of the best foods to keep on hand for your athlete are eggs, chicken, turkey, nuts, milk, and red meat, which all contain the right nutrients and chemicals to keep your athlete in tip-top shape.