Making Tennis Lessons Fun At Any Level

Posted in: Blog | Published on: May 25, 2019 | Written By: admin

Standing still when trying to learn the art of tennis isn’t any fun. While repetitive movements are needed and beneficial, different drills where movement is necessary can play an important role in making tennis lessons fun.
Setting Goals
Beginning players should set goals while building strength and accuracy through repetition. Players can stand on either side of the net and just hit the ball back and forth as many times as possible, counting off while they do so. Set a goal of hitting 5, 10, or 20 shots in a row before changing to the next drill.
Perfecting Grip and Form
Beginning tennis players don’t want to stand still; they want to move. Players can try this game: one person stands between the baseline and the service line, with racquet in hand. One person on the other side of the net, who doesn’t have a racquet, hand-throws the ball to the person with the racquet. After hitting the ball in a return, the person without a racquet tries to catch the ball in their hand. After a designated amount of ball play this way, both players run to the net (this is a fitness-oriented sport!) and switch the racquet to the other player, and the game continues.
Keep Lessons Short
Even tennis players at an intermediate level are often not able to chip or slice a ball effectively. Set up a short-court game, whereby anything outside the service line is out. When the court utilized is a smaller area, the outcome is to give players a better opportunity to develop their skills before a match-play game.
Serving is Mentally Challenging
The tennis serve can be one of the first strokes that break down when players begin to feel the pressure of getting a win. Try playing shortened matches first as a drill to shorten the pressure build. Try playing just four games where the serving player only gets one serve. Shortening practice sessions and building up gradually can help lessen the pressure and nerves until you are able to build up mental stamina.
Playing for Prizes
Playing and winning a prize (no matter the simplicity of the prize – it could be anything from a trinket to buying lunch or a drink) gives the players something extra to compete for.
Remember that tennis lessons should be fun – not ALL mentally and physically challenging. A player will go further in learning a skill if they don’t “hate” to go to a lesson.