Menlo Park Adult Novice

“I’ve taken Euro School of Tennis intermediate and advanced tennis classes and it’s taken my game to a whole new level! I was able to move from a 3.0 to 3.5 very quickly, and with more training 4.0 is not far :). What I like the most is Alex’s patience and personal attention. He often carries a ultra-zoom DSLR camera to capture pics of the students in action and show them where the mistakes are happening, something I’ve not seen any coach do. Overall, I strongly recommend Euro School of Tennis for anyone looking to improve their game or just get started with tennis. It’s also a great way to meet other tennis players for practice. Two-thumbs up!”
Adult Tennis Clinics, Novice (15 & Up)
Tennis has been called the sport of a lifetime, and for good reason. Not only does tennis enhance your aerobic fitness program and your anaerobic fitness level, but it also helps improve mental alertness, general body coordination, and offers a variety of excellent health benefits.
The good news is that it’s never too late to learn!
Our adult tennis clinics are designed for novice players ages 15 and up. With one instructor for every eight students, even if you’ve never held a racquet before, this is a great way to begin appreciating and enjoying the game of tennis. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to hit the ball with consistency over the net, allowing for great game play and fun!
You Cannot Be Serious!

We are serious, and there’s no extra attitude included in this course. Here, you’ll learn forehand, backhand, volley, serving, and scoring. Our focus is technique-oriented. We’ll cover stroke development, proper grips, balance, movement and positioning, and basic footwork. We’ll also cover tennis guidelines as well as the principles of the game. Through moderately paced drills, you’ll quickly pick up on the basics and be ready to shout “Love serving Love” in no time at all.
USTA Rated 2.5 – 3.0
A common question for many new players is where to begin with lessons and classes, and the United States Tennis Association (USTA) offers ratings for courses to help you decide what might be right for you. This course is rated a 2.5 – 3.0, which means after the course, you’ll be able to judge where the ball is going and you’ll be able to tackle a short rally with players that have the same basic ability. You should also be fairly consistent with your strokes, and ready for a game of doubles with one-up and one-back.
There’s No Time Like Right Now!
It may never be too late to learn the game of tennis, but it could be too late for you to sign up for our next clinic. Give us a call today to learn more about how to sign up now.
The Rates
Winter Session: 1/5 – 3/23 (No class: 2/16): Resident: $554; Non-resident: $747
Spring Session: 4/13- 6/15(No class: 5/25): Resident: $454 ; Non-resident: $612
To enroll in our classes: click “Sign up” (this will lead you to Menlo Park Recreation). Go to SEARCH then type in the course number and simply enroll in the class.
For enrollment issues or inquiries call Menlo Park Rec Dept: (650)330-6600
All other questions, comments or concerns can be directed to us: info@euroschooloftennis.com OR (510)491-3007

We conduct classes in a room if it rains, multi-purpose room or the covered benches/tables area (depending on availability). However there is a chance we cannot get protection for the children. In the case of bad weather, We send you email on that day and also call.
We regret to inform that we do not offer any make-ups or refunds for these days. If you have any special circumstances please contact us at least 24 hours before the scheduled class via email: info@euroschooloftennis.com.
Wear tennis shoes (no black soles) & sports outfit (NO jeans). Bring a tennis racket & bottle of water to class.