To enroll in our classes: click “Sign up” (this will lead you to Milipitas Recreation). Go to SEARCH then type in the course number and simply enroll in the class.
For enrollment issues or inquiries call Milipitas Rec Dept: 408-586-3210
Or contact at 457 E. Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035, . Participants can either register online through Active Net or register in-person at the Milpitas Community Center during business hours.
All other questions, comments or concerns can be directed to us: info@euroschooloftennis.com OR (510)491-3007
The Adult and Children clinics take place at the Pinewood Park tennis courts
1375 Starlite Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035, United States
Wear tennis shoes (no black soles) & sports outfit.
Bring a tennis racket & bottle of water to class.
SPRING SESSION SUNDAY CLINICS 2/23-5/18 (No Class: 3/30, 4/20)
SPRING SESSION MONDAY CLINICS 2/24-5/19 (No Class: 3/31)