Overcoming Mental Challenges on the Court

Posted in: Blog | Published on: April 13, 2021 | Written By: admin

Playing any sport- especially tennis- can be difficult, especially if your mental state is prone to getting in the way of your gameplay. But to win the match, you need to be able to overcome that mental challenge and move past it. That can be difficult- but hopefully with these quick tips, it’ll be a little easier.

Live In The Moment

Let go of the past, and let bygones be bygones. Who cared that you missed that shot, that you missed that serve, that you didn’t make it over the net? Certainly not you. You can only be focused on one thing: your end goal. There’s no use in dwelling on the past, so why should you? Just keep moving, and don’t think about it. Eventually, everything you’re worrying about will fade away, and all that will be left will be the game itself.

Stay Positive

Much like the advice to live in the moment, the idea of staying positive is crucial. If you know you’re going to be beaten from the outset, you’re not going to fight- even if you’ve still got a chance. Staying positive and making sure that you fight for the win, no matter your circumstances, is incredibly important no matter what scenario you’re in. Keep moving, keep fighting, and everything will turn out okay.

Visualize Your Next Shot

While you’re moving, keep your eye on the ball. Picture the next movement, focus on the way your muscles change. Think about the power behind your swing, and the way you’re aiming it. Visualize what you’re hoping to achieve, and that can actually help you achieve your goal. Keep moving, keep fighting, and make sure you have a clear goal in your mind of what you want to do- and it’s a guaranteed way to win a match.