San Carlos Adult Novice

“I’ve taken Euro School of Tennis intermediate and advanced tennis classes and it’s taken my game to a whole new level! I was able to move from a 3.0 to 3.5 very quickly, and with more training 4.0 is not far :). What I like the most is Alex’s patience and personal attention. He often carries a ultra-zoom DSLR camera to capture pics of the students in action and show them where the mistakes are happening, something I’ve not seen any coach do. Overall, I strongly recommend Euro School of Tennis for anyone looking to improve their game or just get started with tennis. It’s also a great way to meet other tennis players for practice. Two-thumbs up!”
Wish you knew a bit more about tennis? Worried that you’re never going to get it? Adult tennis lessons in San Lorenzo can help, giving you the basics you’ll need for a match or two on a regular basis. Even if you’ve never played before, we can help you learn what you need to know while you’re on the court. Classes are designed for students ages fifteen and up, and each one will have you ready for more.
Technique Oriented Instruction
If you’re hoping to learn the techniques you need to be a solid player, this is the class for you. Here, we’ll help you understand what really matters like key strokes, footwork and movement. From a deeper look at the forehand, backhand, and volley to an understanding of how to get across the court quickly, we’ll help you begin to learn how to score routinely when you play!
We pack each session with moderately paced drills and short match play, making the basics of the game just a few classes away. This course is USTA rated 2.5-3.0, so when you’re done, expect to be able to tackle a short rally with others at your level.

Reserve Your Space Now!
Ready for adult tennis lessons in San Carlos? Save your spot now when you give us a call.
To enroll in our classes: click “Sign up” (this will lead you to San Carlos Recreation) and simply enroll in the class.
For enrollment issues or inquiries call San Carlos Rec Dept: (650-802-4122)
All other questions, comments or concerns can be directed to us: info@euroschooloftennis.com OR (510)491-300

Month | Date | Day | Time | |
Winter Session | 1/6-3/24 (No class: 1/20, 2/17) | Monday | 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm | Sign Up |
Winter Session | 1/8-3/26 (No class: 2/19) | Wednesday | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Sign Up |
Spring Session | 4/14- 6/16(No class: 5/26) | Monday | 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm | Sign Up |
Spring Session | 4/16- 6/11 | Wednesday | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Sign Up |
Summer Session | 7/7- 8/25 | Monday | 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm | Sign Up |
Summer Session | 7/9- 8/27 | Wednesday | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Sign Up |

We conduct classes in a room if it rains, multi-purpose room or the covered benches/tables area (depending on availability). However there is a chance we cannot get protection for the children. In the case of bad weather, We send you email on that day and also call.
We regret to inform that we do not offer any make-ups or refunds for these days. If you have any special circumstances please contact us at least 24 hours before the scheduled class via email: info@euroschooloftennis.com.
Wear tennis shoes (no black soles) & sports outfit (NO jeans). Bring a tennis racket & bottle of water to class.