Should You Push Your Child Harder on the Court?

Posted in: Blog | Published on: December 25, 2022 | Written By: admin

As a parent, you want to see your child be the best of whatever they want to do. But if they’re struggling on the court, it might be time to take a step back and consider the situation. Should you be pushing harder for your child to succeed, or should you take a step back and let your child do their own thing?

It’s All Up To What Your Child Wants To Do

Don’t push if your child is done with this sport! It’s not the end of the world that they’re growing up and finding their own preferences, and even if they don’t play for a while, it will all turn out okay in the end. Nobody enjoys something they’re forced to be doing, and that includes children. Your kids are people too, and they know their own likes and dislikes better than you might. Listen to them when they tell you things, and if your child wants to quit a sport or practice less, let them.

Don’t Push Too Hard

If your child doesn’t want to practice as hard as you do, that can create tension between you. The harder you push your child towards things they don’t want to do, the bigger the rift grows between you. Your child won’t want anything to do with you, simply because you care more about their workouts than their personality. That’s not a great way to build a family- so instead, ease off and listen to your child about what they want to do with their life.

“It’s Just A Phase”

If you’re convinced that your child is facing a different difficulty than the sport itself, take the time to talk to them. While it might just be a phase, it could be a phase that your child cares about, and something that will shape them forever. Let your child be their own person, and talk to them about the sport they may not want to continue.

Should You Push Harder?

You want the best for your child, as every parent does. But instead of giving them the best, you’re pushing too hard. Instead, listen to what they want to do with their lives. The harder you push, the more likely you are to drive your child away from you– and that’s not something any parent wants.