What To Do If An Unfair Call On The Court Happens To You?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: November 7, 2022 | Written By: admin
If you’re in the middle of a match, you can’t drop everything to start arguing with the referee. Whether or not you deserved a penalty isn’t the reason the match exists- instead, you have to play past the penalty and keep going for the win. If an unfair call on the court happens to you, here are three tips to keep working past it.
Respect The People Around You
No one wants to be put against the player who throws a hissy fit every time something gets called. Instead, make sure to be quiet and respectful of everyone around you, including the referee. They may have noticed something that you didn’t, and that was why they made the call. Even if the call was unwarranted, that still doesn’t give you the excuse to verbally or physically berate anyone nearby. Be calm, collected, and respectful of the others around you, and you’ll be able to focus better on the rest of the match.
Don’t Put Yourself Down
Even though an unfair call, the only way the referees can affect your game is by your belief. If you think that you automatically lost the match after a call, you’re more likely to become frustrated and unfocused. Don’t let your own mind get the best of you- instead, think about the positives of the situation, and concentrate on your next move instead of that bad call.
Conserve Your Energy For What Matters
Getting angry or frustrated at the people around you just wastes your focus on things that don’t really matter. You can’t undo what a referee or even the other player has done, so you shouldn’t worry about it. All that you need to think about during a match is how to play the game, and what strategies you should take to win. Even though a call may have been made, it’s not the end of the day– so you need to be ready to come back and win even through hardship.
Unfair Calls Are a Part of the Game
It’s not unusual to have a call against you, and it’s especially not strange for you to not necessarily understand what you did to deserve it. Even through this, though, you have to persevere and win the match. Make sure to be respectful of the people around you, even the referee, and keep striving for that ultimate win.