Which is More Powerful– A One Handed or Two Handed Backhand?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: May 22, 2023 | Written By: admin
Forehands and backhands are integral moves in tennis. In fact, they’re one of the most basic moves to know. Every player has a forehand and a backhand swing in their arsenal, but not everyone knows how to use them properly. If you’re looking to make your backhand more powerful, how do you do that? And how does your grip factor into it?
Using A One-Handed Backhand
Most tennis players know that you can choose grips based on how many hands you keep on your racket and that each of these comes with different pros and cons. Swinging your backhand with only one hand is often a move for advanced players who have a good amount of power behind their forearms alone. This style also produces flashier plays but does so at the cost of power and stability. The crowd might like watching you use a one-handed backhand– but that doesn’t mean your opponent won’t be able to easily retaliate, or even that it will go over the net.
Using A Two-Handed Backhand
A two-handed backhand is great for beginners or amateurs because it offers more strength and stability behind your swing. You’ll always know how to properly gauge the power needed behind a swing, and you’ll always know the perfect way to frame a shot. However, that does come at a price. When you swing with a two-handed backhand, it’s more difficult to hit a shot while moving. You need to be totally stable to be able to properly utilize your two-handed swing, which isn’t always possible or necessary on the court.
Should You Choose A One- or Two-Handed Grip?
Every good player needs a good backhand in their arsenal when playing a match, but which is right for you? With these quick tips you should have a good overview of what your playing style should reflect, be it a one-handed grip or a two-handed grip. Either way is perfectly fine, and they’re both commonly accepted amongst tennis circles. All you need to do is test them out and see which works best with your personal playstyle.