Why Stamina Matters In Tennis (And What You Can Do About It)

Posted in: Blog | Published on: February 4, 2022 | Written By: admin

Tennis is a fun sport, but it can be difficult to play for a long time. Instead of worrying about your endurance, do something about it! Here’s some tips about building your stamina, and why it might help in a match.


Why Does Stamina Rule The Court?

As you play tennis, your body is constantly using energy. If you don’t have a high endurance level, your body will use more energy than it can handle as you move. This can be bad for your muscles and cardiovascular system, but it can also mean that you get tired more easily. The more you build your endurance, the longer matches you can play- and with more power behind them.


Tips For Building Stamina


  • Always Warm Up

The warm up is, arguably, the most important piece of your workout. Before you begin, make sure to do some lunges or light weight lifting to get your muscles ready. Yoga also serves as a great pre-workout warmup.


  • Work In Sections

It’s not a good idea to push yourself too far during practice. After all, that’s the major cause of athletic injuries- and you certainly don’t want to overextend yourself before the match even begins. Break your workout into sections- run a little, then break and do some stretches, then run a little more, or fill in the gaps however you need. The more strenuous your activity, the shorter your interval should be.


  • Remember to Cool Down

After your warm up, the cool down is another big piece of your workout. Adding a cool down into your routine will help your muscles calm back down after your exercise, and ensure that you don’t overextend yourself. Light, static stretches are great for this, as well as running in place or taking a short walk at a slow pace.


Stamina In Tennis

Your endurance dictates how long you’re able to play for, and in tennis, it can make or break your game. These quick tips on how to build it are great for any player, and they’re a good habit to build to make your games amazing.