Why Watching Your Performance Can Make All The Difference?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: January 23, 2023 | Written By: admin
Today every professional athlete spends hours in front of films of themselves on the court. Most amateur and young athletes at every level do as well. Why all the film, and should you have someone film your matches so you can see them? Let’s unpack the idea of filming matches first.
The Importance of Film
Game or match film is essentially just a recording from optimal angles that allows an athlete and his or her coaches to analyze on-court performance and enhance training. It allows them to prepare for the upcoming match and learn from their mistakes. It can also help them build a plan for success. Most athletes and their coaches love watching the film, as it gives them a competitive edge in upcoming competitions.
Should You Be Watching Film?
The simple answer is absolutely. The first time you see yourself play, you’ll be completely surprised at how well you did, what your form looked like, and what you missed. You can easily see how fast you were able to move from point A to point B, how fast your serves were, and how good your technique is. Then you’ll be able to truly understand where you’re struggling on the court and what you can do to change that struggle.
How Do You Record Yourself?
While you can always get a friend to record a match, if that’s not an option, you could just record yourself. If you’re hoping to look at your technique and contact point, the best way to make it happen is to place a tough camera like a GoPro next to the baseline. If you want to see yourself from above, you can usually place a GoPro behind you on the fence so you can begin recording from above the way the pros do. Typically you can buy a hook for these cameras, then just find a place on the fence to hang it