What You Can Learn From Watching Tennis Pros

Posted in: Blog | Published on: June 11, 2019 | Written By: admin

You can learn what to do and, sometimes, what not to do, when you watch professional athletes play. It can be interesting to see how they hold their tennis racquet, or where their eyes go to keep track of the ball, or how they can move their feet so fast, and in the right direction.
Warm-up Time
Watch to see how the tennis pros warm-up for their game. A proper tennis warm-up helps prepare both the upper and lower portions of the body for starting and stopping so quickly in the game. It can also help warm up knees and elbows for the rigorous game to come.
Position of Feet
Perhaps the most important takeaway from watching Tennis pros at their game is the movement and positioning of their feet. After you hit a serve, you need to recover back to a position where you can best move to get the next ball. Bjorn Borg is reported to have said once, “the most important thing is to hit the last ball, and do whatever it takes to make that possible.”
Watch to see how consistently professional tennis players return the serve. Finding consistency in pace, accuracy, and depth in a return serve can be challenging. As you watch other tennis pros and their methods for successfully maneuvering through this issue, you can get good tips to try on your own.
The Drop Shot
Observe the effectiveness, lack thereof, of a drop shot play in tennis. It can be a huge weapon but it needs to be performed precisely. You have to be near the net to utilize a drop shot as it is designed to land near the net on your opponent’s side. There is a delicate structure to landing a drop shot correctly.
While emotions can run high in every athletic sport, and that can be a sign of passion for the sport, which is good, the best thing you can do for yourself and learn from the pros is how to handle your emotions on the court. What you don’t want to do: show negative emotions or make excuses why you didn’t win. That’s just not good sportsmanship.
A good rule of thumb is not to try to copy any one person’s unique characteristics, but just to watch the elements of their play and try to come up with your own unique style to help you be successful in your game.