Top 3 Reasons why Older Adults should Play Tennis

Posted in: Blog | Published on: December 11, 2019 | Written By: admin

If you think tennis is a game only for young people, think again. More and more older adults are learning to play the game, and for many good reasons. In fact, there’s no upper limit to the age at which you can start learning, and playing, the sport that’s called “the sport of a lifetime.”


If you didn’t play in your youth, you missed out on some great physical and mental conditioning for your body. But don’t think that you missed your window of opportunity and that it’s too late to learn! Truth be told, many people in the 60’s and older are taking up tennis for all of the benefits that the game offers. We’ll highlight the top 3 reasons why.

Top Reason #1: Physical Health

As people age, muscles tend to atrophy, bone density decreases and we lose our strength. Due to inactivity, people also tend to put on pounds in areas that they never did before. Welcome to the “golden years!”

Physicians will tell you that it’s critical to maintain your body’s core strength as you age, because that’s what will keep you moving and in good physical health. Tennis offers key benefits in all muscle groups, as well as cardiac conditioning without over-stressing your body. It keeps your heart pumping and keeps you heart healthy (remember, your heart is a muscle), while keeping your lungs in top shape.

The physical activity with tennis also helps to prevent osteoporosis, by increasing your bone density. Coupled with your muscle tone improvement, you will help prevent falling – one of the curses of old age.

Top Reason #2:  Mental Health

Ageing takes it’s toll on your mental health as well, just as it impacts your physical health. As we grow older, our memory tends to fail, however gradually. By playing tennis, you help boost your blood circulation to your brain, which in turn helps to maintain and create new neural pathways, which are key for mental acuity and memory.

Playing tennis also helps your body produce natural opiates, called endorphins. These chemicals help to create a calming, analgesic effect, and also help control stress and pain. Best of all, there’s no prescription needed.

Top Reason #3:  Socialization

Tennis is a team sport – you don’t play tennis by yourself. You either play with a partner or play doubles with other couples. This fosters socialization, which in turn helps you meet new people and enjoy pleasant activities together.

As we age, we lose our friends, and it’s hard to make new ones when we’re older. Many seniors love tennis, so it’s easy to sign up to play with new partners and enjoy the game together.