The Five Best On-Court Snacks

Posted in: Blog | Published on: February 27, 2021 | Written By: admin

You likely know how important it is to eat well off the court, but you may not realize just how essential it is to eat during a match. Tennis is one sport that could mean hours of your time when you’re in match play, and that makes continually taking in water and complex carbs an absolute must even during a match. What should you actually eat when you’re in the midst of a match though? One of these five on-court snacks is the best way to remain at the top of your game. 

  1. Salted Pretzels: If you’re playing in the heat, you’re sweating, and that means you need to maintain your hydration levels. The best way to do that quickly is with the help of salt, and salted pretzels pack a double punch when you’re on the court. They offer you a dose of carbohydrates, which will ensure you can better meet your muscles’ demands for energy while you’re out there.

  2. Bananas: You’ll often see the pros eat these on the sidelines, and for good reason. Your energy level drops during the match, so you need a fast way to bring it back up again. Carbohydrates (as previously mentioned) are a must, but so is potassium. Bananas offer both to players, and the bonus is that they’re an easy fruit to pack in your bag on match day.

  3. Granola Bars: Speaking of highly packable, granola bars are a great on-court snack. Inside, you’ll find complex carbs, which help give you a solid burst of energy during a match. A word of caution, though. Not all granola bars are created equally, so be sure to watch for the best options on the market that aren’t loaded with added sugars.

  4. Trail Mix: Much like granola bars, trail mix is a great way to improve your energy when you’re on the court. If you make a DIY trail mix, you’ll get a bit of added power. You can choose the best nuts and fruits that work for you and don’t include any added sugars that could prove problematic in the long run.

  5. Nut Butters: Many nut butters are great sources of plenty of vitamins and minerals. High in fiber and protein, nut butters can keep you full and fueled up throughout your match without making you feel too full. 


So, what’s your next on court snack? Choosing one of these will help you throughout your next big match.