How to Get Back to the Middle Fast?

Posted in: Blog | Published on: January 9, 2023 | Written By: admin

It’s incredibly common for new tennis players to run down the shot and return the serve, but it’s quite difficult for them to recover well and get back to the middle so they can be prepared for the next shot. What can you do to get back fast? These tips can help. 

  • Focus on this skill in practice: Every time you’re on the court, you should be focusing on this key skill. There are several simple drills out there to make that happen, but maybe one of the easiest is just to have someone feed you ball after ball, with your goal being to hit the shot and get back to the middle before you have the next ball headed your way. After just a few weeks of focusing on your explosiveness, it will be ingrained in your muscle memory, so you’ll be able to display that aggressiveness on the court. 
  • Think About Your Feet: Footwork is a big part of recovery, and less is more when it comes to footwork. The more time you spend moving your feet to get back to the middle, the less time you have to anticipate that next shot. Learn how to simplify your movement on the court so you can get back faster. 
  • Consider Adding Strength Training: Recovery to the middle is going to take some speed, and that means adding a strength training workout to your current routine. Strength training can help you build the muscles you need to move quickly on the court, which will be a huge plus when it comes to recovery. 

One of the best ways to make sure you’re ready to return the next serve is to get back to the middle as fast as possible, and with these tips, you can make it happen during your next match.