What to do When Your Child Wants to Quit Tennis

Posted in: Blog | Published on: July 5, 2020 | Written By: admin

You’ve spent lots of time to and from tennis matches, lessons, and camps. There have been plenty of wins, but there have been just as many disappointments. Your child has never said anything about not enjoying tennis in the past, but suddenly, there it is, the phrase you’ve been dreading: “I quit.” What do you do now?

Is the Problem Actually Tennis?

Step one is to figure out what’s frustrating your child. Sure, it might be tennis, but something else could be a problem, too. Maybe there was a fight between your child and another player. Maybe your child is frustrated by a new coach. It could just be that your child has too many external pressures building up. Work to figure out what the issue might be. Questions like “Why do you want to quit?” aren’t going to help you uncover the problem, though. Instead, ask about every aspect. Ask about the positives and the negatives. Attend a few practices, if you don’t already. You might even want to talk to your child’s coach. 

Talk to Your Partner

If you’ve determined your child actually wants to quit tennis, it might be worthwhile to have a conversation with your partner. Ensuring you’re both on the same page about how to move forward is an absolute must. Nothing is worse than having two different answers. This conversation, though, might not be easy, and it’s important that the two of you come to an agreement.

Make a Decision Together

If you have a family rule about finishing what you start or you just really want to see your child on the court, consider your motivations. Maybe you can all come to a compromise that will help create a win for everyone involved. 

Quitting tennis may not even be forever. It’s possible your child just needs some room to breathe right now.