Can The Wrong Strings Affect Your Game?

Posted in: Blog | Published on: August 28, 2022 | Written By: admin

When you’re in a match, there’s no time to think about how your racquet is strung. However, off the court, it’s easy to see that your strings might look a little strange. There are a variety of different types of strings, and not all of them fit into the same racquets. Moreover, you need to change your strings at least once a year before they begin to go bad. 


Polyester String Mistakes

Many tennis groups and pros will recommend using polyester strings for your racquet, but if you’re not playing in competitions, this can be a big mistake. Polyester strings are meant for performing well at a tournament, and only have a playing life of about 22 hours. If you play recreationally, you’re probably going to want to go longer without restringing your racquet, and therefore polyester strings aren’t going to be your cup of tea.


Finding Beginner Strings

While polyester strings aren’t meant for anything but competitions, there are three other types of racquet strings to consider. Synthetic gut strings are often recommended to beginners for their cheap price and decent play life, but they’re also only ‘okay’ as far as strings go. Multifilament strings are more expensive, and a little harder to control, but they’re also softer on your arms and hold their tension for a long time. If you’re looking for a more expensive option, though, natural gut is lauded to be the best among the types of strings, provided you can afford it. With its easy comfort, its tension holding abilities, and even the easiest maintenance among the types of strings, it’s easy to see why it’s so coveted.


Using The Wrong Kind of Strings

When you play tennis, the strings of your racquet can ripple into your performance. If you’re using the wrong type of string, that can mean that your skills are being underutilized. While many tennis aficionados recommend polyester strings, that’s really only best for playing at competition, and the best choice for recreational players is often synthetic gut.