Beat The Heat At Practice
Posted in: Blog | Published on: July 14, 2021 | Written By: admin
It’s summer, and it’s hot outside. That much should be obvious. But what might not be obvious is dealing with that very same heat while at practice. After all, you want to stay in shape and ready for your next match- but at the same time, heatstroke and dehydration are very real issues in the sports world. So what are some of the best ways to beat the heat at practice this summer?
The Color(less?) Choice
One of the easiest ways to beat the heat is to wear pale clothes. Dig your pastels and white sportswear out of your closet for maximum coolness, and see if you can find a pale hat or visor to keep the sun off your face. White and pale colors help reflect the sunlight, instead of absorbing it like a darker color- which in turn will keep you cooler throughout practice.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
One of the easiest things to lose on a hot day is water. If you combine the hot day with some vigorous exercise, you’re going to sweat- and therefore lose water- twice as much as you would normally. Keep your body in check by having a bottle of water- or similarly sports drink- on hand while you practice, and make sure you drink it! Just having it won’t help you- you’ve got to actually drink the water for it to take effect. Similarly, don’t spring for soda or a sugary drink- since they’re primarily corn syrup, they’re not as hydrating as other beverages on the market.
Pick Your Times
The earth rotates around the sun, and therefore, different areas receive different amounts of sunlight at different times of day. To beat the heat this summer, pick your practice times carefully to maximize the amount of shade your practice space is getting. The less you’re in the sun, the better. Try practicing at sunrise or sunset, or maybe just in the late afternoon.