Can Anyone Become A Tennis Coach?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: July 12, 2022 | Written By: admin
There are so many types of tennis coaches in the world, from former athletes to proud parents, that it can be difficult to figure out if you actually have the ability to become one. Moreover, many coaches are specialists in their field, and teach a specific group of people- like children, adults, or teens- how to play. How do you know which type of coach you want to be, and what’s the easiest way to achieve that?There are actually several easy ways to tell if you can become a tennis coach.
Tennis Coach Licensing
Do you have a license to become a tennis coach? If not, it’s easy to get one! There are two major ways to gain your tennis coach certification: through the United States Professional Tennis Association, or through the International Tennis Federation. Both of these providers have different levels of certification that dictate which courses you can teach. If you work through the USPTA, you can gain a teacher’s certification through online courses and a two-day workshop, which qualifies you to teach anyone tennis. If you choose to work through the ITF, it only takes 32 hours of working one-on-one with a tutor to earn your ‘Play Tennis Course’ level of certification, which enables you to teach beginners and young children. After you have achieved one of those ranks, you can always press on and try to gain a higher certification- but both of these enable you to coach tennis at a beginner level.
Becoming A Tennis Coach
Anyone can become a tennis coach! With the right amount of practice and your proper certifications, you too can become a tennis coach in just over 32 hours. The secret, though, is being a good tennis coach. Always stay positive and motivated to help your students learn, and keep pressing forwards to help them become the best players they can be!