Does Tennis Cause Back Injuries?

Posted in: Blog | Published on: November 14, 2021 | Written By: admin

If there’s one part of your body you want to protect, it’s your back. After all, your spine is the nerve hub of your body- without it, nothing works right. Health problems and injuries in your back can be debilitating, and if you want to keep up your tennis scores, that’s not a thing that can happen. However, some believe that tennis might be the cause of several different kinds of back injuries- so are you in danger while on the court, and what can you do about it?


Well, Does It?
Around the world, thousands of people have desk jobs where they lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Around the world, thousands of people love to play tennis in their time off. And a lot of these people happen to intersect. But that might cause an issue. The answer to the burning question- if you don’t prepare right, tennis can cause some serious back problems. But there are also a lot of preventative measures to take.


The First Step

To make sure you don’t slip a disc, pull a muscle, or anything else that will take you out of the game for an extended amount of time, make sure you’re running a good warm up and cool down. These don’t have to be too deeply involved- try some stretches and walking in place, just to get your muscles ready for movement. When you’re done, do the same thing, and let your muscles wrap up from their extended period of exercise. 90% of the time, a bad warm-up is what causes back injuries.Moreover, make sure you’ve got good posture while you’re playing, and try some new stretches to ensure everything is ready before you play.


Tennis Back Injuries

While tennis can cause some serious health problems, it’s usually a user error- after all, your muscles need to be ready to move or else they’ll never want to go anywhere! Make sure that you prevent a serious injury by stretching, using good posture on the court, and running both a warm-up and cool-down during practice.