How to Practice Tennis When You’re Stuck at Home
Posted in: Blog | Published on: May 19, 2020 | Written By: admin
It’s not uncommon to feel stuck at home these days. Whether it’s some bad weather that has you inside or something much bigger, there are ways to practice, even if you can’t leave the house. Here are a few you may want to consider.
Imaginary Shots
Technique is everything in tennis, and watching yours is invaluable. Stand in front of a mirror, and start hitting imaginary shots. You don’t even need to be out of your pajamas for this one. It will open your muscles a bit and help you evaluate each shot you take. When you walk back on the court, you’ll have a better sense of how to change your shots for added power.
You may want to head outside for this one. Grab your racquet in one hand and the ball in the other. Bounce the ball between your racquet and the floor or driveway. Move around a bit, and increase the level of difficult. Go high sometimes and lower with others. You’re going to get a good workout, and you’re going to build the muscles you need on the court.
Hoping to improve your ability to see that ball and add a bit of finesse to your game at the same time? Grab your racquet and a ball. Toss it up into the air. It doesn’t have to be high. Then, do your best to catch it with the racquet. You don’t, though, want the ball to bounce. It should be like catching the ball in a safety net. It will really help to improve your skills.
No matter why you’re stuck at home, simple drills like these will help you once you step back on the court!