How to Select the Right Tennis Racquet

Posted in: Blog | Published on: June 24, 2019 | Written By: admin

Choosing just the right tennis racquet is an investment in your future. Wherever you are in your tennis game, if you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, many tips are available to help you choose the right tennis racquet.
The Right Grip
How do you know the size of your grip? Measure from the middle line in the palm of your dominant hand to the top of your middle finger. Typically, adult grips range from 4 inches to just over 5 ½ inches. Hold the racquet in your dominant hand, the hand you’re going to be swinging with. Take the index finger of your other hand and slide it between the fingertips holding the racquet, running your index finger down to the middle of your palm. If you can’t get your index finger through to the base of your palm, the racquet you’re holding is probably too small. If the space is too roomy, the racquet is probably too large. IF you calculate that you’re in between small and large sizes, your best plan would be to opt for the smaller racquet because you can increase the circumference by adding soft padded tape around the grip. It’s called overgrip tape.
Three Major Tennis Racquet Styles
The most common types of tennis racquets are: Power/Game Racquets; Tweener Racquets; and Control/Player’s Racquets. The Power or Game racquet is typically lighter in weight, has a longer style, and a larger head. Many beginning players choose this type of racquet. The Tweener racquet provides a good balance between maneuverability, control, and power for all skill levels. The Control or Player’s racquet is designed for the more professionally advanced, using a smaller head for a greater level of control. This type of racquet is generally heavier than the other two choices.
What Materials are Racquets Made From?
Graphite is a wonderful material that is lightweight, yet powerful. The majority of tennis racquets are made of graphite. Some racquets for beginners are made from titanium or aluminum. These two materials great at providing power and comfort for the player. Kevlar and Boron are also used in making tennis racquets and, while they are the lightest weight material, they can also be a little stiff in use and, therefore, unforgiving of mistakes.
The tennis racquet you choose should, most importantly, feel comfortable in your hand. Cost, of course, can also figure into the equation.