Three Tennis Footwork Tips You Need Now
Posted in: Blog | Published on: August 17, 2020 | Written By: admin
When you’re trying to be the best of the best, it’s important that your footwork is just as fancy as the rest of your moves. Poor footwork can reduce your winnings and halt your tennis progress, meaning that your team is only ever as good as your moves. Good footwork, however, can help your team create powerful swings and precise shots, making you win more matches.
Here are three great footwork tips to help your team be great!
Keeping You On Your Toes
The tennis court is a place where you always need to be prepared, and you always need to be ready for your opponents next move. If you stay on your toes- both literally and figuratively- it can help you stay focused, balanced, and ready to move quickly at a moment’s notice. This can help you get into the right position to serve a ball back almost immediately, and can make the difference between a serve and letting the ball fly right past you.
Your technique can make the difference between a good match and a bad one, especially with your fancy footwork involved. Make sure to consider your technique between matches and look to see where you can do better. There are lots of ways to improve your technique, from different drills to regular exercise to simply more practice at the court.
Practice Makes Perfect
And speaking of practice, that’s almost a surefire tip to make your footwork pop! There are lots of ways you can practice your footwork, with fancy equipment or without. There are lots of different footwork drills on the internet, and they’re easy to find if you know where to look! The more familiar with your steps you are, the easier you’ll be able do replicate them on the court. It’s good to know what you’re doing, isn’t it?