What Should the Perfect Tennis Workout Target?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: October 16, 2021 | Written By: admin
When you’re trying to hit that perfect match score, you know that there’s a lot of things you need to practice. The problem is, you don’t know where to start- whether it’s your footwork, your stance, or even your stamina, tennis workouts can be tough to figure out- and that’s why this list will help you design your perfect tennis workout.
Fancy Footwork
One of the best things to think about in your workout is always your footwork. If you don’t know where your feet are, you’re liable to fall in the middle of a match- which could be disastrous, not just for your score but even for your health. Moreover, building good footwork skills can help the rest of you become more quick and agile, aiding in the amount of hits you make across the court.
The Power Behind The Swing
There are two types of power to think about in a tennis match- your explosive power, and your reactive power. Each affects the game in different ways, and each needs its place in your workout routine. Make sure to build your power behind a shot just as much as you train the power you put into getting across the court.
Holding Out
But the final- and most important- thing to consider in your tennis workout is your stamina and endurance. Without these, you can’t hold out across the match, and it’s harder to build the rest of your repertoire. You’ll build both stamina and endurance eventually, of course, but you’re more likely to cause overuse injuries due to incorrect exercise. Make sure that you’re pushing yourself just a little more each time you practice.
Making the Perfect Workout
There are a lot of different factors that make workouts perfect. They need to be right for you, from your endurance level to your skill set. Everyone’s perfect workout should be different-but if you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll be set to create your own ideal practice session.