Why Warming Up And Cooling Down Matter

Posted in: Blog | Published on: December 11, 2020 | Written By: admin

With any sport, it’s important to stay healthy- and your muscles are just as big a part of that as the rest of your body. Warming up can help you prepare your muscles for movement, reduce the risk of injury, and even increase your performance in the next match- all of which are great things for your young tennis player. Warm ups are a way to prepare yourself, both mentally and physically, for the next match.


A Starting Place For Warm Ups

Warm ups don’t have to be complicated- in fact, they can be the simplest thing you do in your day. Either way, it’s good to put your own personal spin on what you do, so that your warm up routine is tailored to you. But as a starting point, you can visualize the game that you’re about to participate in, run some deep breathing drills, or some dynamic warm up drills. Make sure that you’ve got protein and water before starting, because you’re going to want the energy! Nobody wants to play with a dry throat or an empty stomach.


Cooling Down

Don’t underestimate the great effects of a good cool down, either. Once you’re done with your match for the day, make sure to invest in a solid cool down routine to make sure your muscles are ready for next time. Most cool down routines put emphasis on settling your nerves down. Using deep breathing exercises, taking a relaxing swim, or stretching can all be a great way of cooling down, as can eating or having a glass of water. Whatever you can do to calm your jumpy nerves back down is the perfect cooldown routine.