How to Stay Loose as You Play?
Posted in: Blog | Published on: January 30, 2023 | Written By: admin
If you’ve been playing for some time, you may have come across the idea that you should be more relaxed as you play, but tennis is an explosive sport, and it can seem tough to be both relaxed and powerful on the court. How do you play tennis in a more relaxed way? This quick guide can help.
Consider Your Natural Swing Speed
Imagine that you just pick up a racquet and (either as a forehand or backhand) simply swing it. That’s your natural swing speed. It’s the speed your body likes best. Notice there’s usually no tension in your body as you swing it in that manner. That’s because your body likes that movement. Now swing as if the ball were coming at you. What tenses up? What changes about your body? If you notice what doesn’t feel comfortable anymore, then take that knowledge to the court, and you can make the most of your natural swing speed.
Work On your Release
When many players release, they contract instead. It’s a matter of allowing the racquet to do the work involved. If you were to throw the racquet across the court, you would release it. Imagine that feeling every time you go to hit. Let the tension in your hand and the force with which you grip the racquet decrease instead of increase when you go to hit.
Tense and Release During Changeovers
As you move through the game, take a moment to tense and release each of your key muscles. Breathe deeply as you do, reminding yourself that you need to keep your muscles as loose as possible as you play. That will allow you to take what comes your way without the tension on your muscles as you play.
It can be tough to stay loose as you play, but it may also help your on-court performance considerably.